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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

This Random Movie I Saw Last Night

Ok here it goes,
I was watching this movie last night it is called Buried. Dont ask who are the actors because i couldnt tell you the none of them. This movie made me so mad because it was based on false hopes. Ok the movie began with the guy buried in a pine box under ground, he doesnt know how he got there, he is just lost. The guy finally realizes that he is under ground buried and some how manages to ake off his jacket. I know right how does he do that? Ok so somehow he ends up having a phone with cellphone service. But the catch is its programmed in another language. And somehow he still is able to use it. Blah blah blah so after he gets the hang of using the phone in another language he calls his job (oh yeah he is a truck driver for the army delivering supplies in iraq) the CRT. and they give him the run around basically. His boss fired him so they basically wouldnt have to rescue him. Blah Blah blah in the end he is screwed and was giving false hope and he died ! THIS MOVIE SUCKS ! HE COULD HAVE LIVED ! i wanted to throw this movie out the window .

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