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Friday, September 23, 2011

The college break through !

I can honestly see how it truly feels to be a college student. This is really a break through for me because reality had sunk in and has hit home. I have learned my lesson I can truly say. I have had exams and projects all due during the same week, pop quizzes that I have forgot to study for, and chapters I forgot to read. I have sworn to myself that I would not ever let that happen to myself again. I have promised not to miss class again and start doing what I need to do , because I will be lost and so behind if I can not do what needs to be done .

Balancing everything correctly

Oh my gosh trying to balance everything all at once is so horrible as we all know because it can end up all tumbling down on you. Trying to balance school, work, friends, and relationships is a bad idea because you get caught up in what's not important half the time and before you know it some assignment is due and you totally forgot about it.
I find myself always writing about this topic a lot mainly because I am one of those people that needs to stop trying to balance all there unnecessary things all at once. It's funny that I know what I need to do , but I find it hard to abide by.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Managing my time !

college has really began to show its true colors . i am finding it to become a challenge with all the different assignments all at one time. I am trying to keep up with everything.Its so hard to juggle everything that I think is important to me at this point.I really think its time i start back to the drawing board and start thinking about how to define important.it's time to start making time for everything thing that actually has to do with my education. I think i should start putting everything in order of importance, because everything is starting to take a tow all at once. Time management is the key ,because without it i am going to be lost this semester.

Monday, September 5, 2011

My Hectic Week

This week has been so hectic for me i have been trying to do so many things at once.
I have been working this whole labor day weekend and on top of that i have been trying to get all of my school work done. I now see that i need to try to balance everything out to restore order back in my life. My Macon Connections teacher told us to get a planner to see everything that needs to be done. I tried that but that is not working i need to try to figure out what i am doing wrong. Otherwise i will be rushing to finish assignments while trying to balance homework and studying at the same time . HELP !!!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

My First College Rough Draft

Mrs. Aiken gave the class a essay to write and i was so excited about it i had already began writing the essay in class and everything. i immediately went back to my dorm and got right on it. when i was done i felt so confident in my paper. The next class day i was so excited on turning in my paper, I just knew my paper was a good one, until we had to exchange papers. when i got my paper back it had so many correction on it. I felt so horrible about it. I thought i had a great paper. Obviously the person grading it did not think so. I went home and looked over my paper to see what i could do to fix it. So i revised the whole thing and came up with an even better paper i hope. So we will see what happens the next time around.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Florida Vacation

Before the fall semester started , we went to Florida for a vacation.
I was super excited about it because I never went to Florida.
When we first got there we went to Miami. We stayed there for three days . We went to South Beach. We say Versace's  house and took pictures there. After that we went out to eat. It was very nice. The next day we headed to Orlando to our rental house and rested up for the next day. The next day we went to Disney World. While we were at Disney we went to all four parks. It poured down raining when we went to the Magic Kingdom. I was so disappointed because i really wanted to go to that one. So we went home and rested up for the next day of fun. We went to Orlando Studios. I loved that park the only down side was that it was super super hot. We had alot of walking to do, but the rides were worth it. Our vacation was so great we dreaded coming home that weekend.
In other words, I loved our Florida vacation.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

This Random Movie I Saw Last Night

Ok here it goes,
I was watching this movie last night it is called Buried. Dont ask who are the actors because i couldnt tell you the none of them. This movie made me so mad because it was based on false hopes. Ok the movie began with the guy buried in a pine box under ground, he doesnt know how he got there, he is just lost. The guy finally realizes that he is under ground buried and some how manages to ake off his jacket. I know right how does he do that? Ok so somehow he ends up having a phone with cellphone service. But the catch is its programmed in another language. And somehow he still is able to use it. Blah blah blah so after he gets the hang of using the phone in another language he calls his job (oh yeah he is a truck driver for the army delivering supplies in iraq) the CRT. and they give him the run around basically. His boss fired him so they basically wouldnt have to rescue him. Blah Blah blah in the end he is screwed and was giving false hope and he died ! THIS MOVIE SUCKS ! HE COULD HAVE LIVED ! i wanted to throw this movie out the window .